Monday, May 27, 2013

Dream Land

Had one of the craziest, most intense, dreams I've ever had in my life last night! I'd love to hear what you might think it might means!

I was at the beach with a few friends and went into an area with them known for giant waves, but it was like an underwater parking structure. They assured me it was something they did for fun and it was really cool. Then the waves seemed huge and we waited for one that came and was the biggest, clearest wave I've ever seen. It came over us and we were all underwater (some people I know and others I didn't) and we held our breath. Above us, the massive wave crashed and it suddenly formed the shape of lips and then a man's face! And he looked down at me and summoned me upwards with a deep voice. It was a little scary, but more amazing and overwhelming, and I couldn't hold my breath any longer... though I didn't seem to drown. I calmly floated upwards towards the face calling for me while those around me were holding their breath and watching. Then I woke up!

I looked up some dream interpretations:

To dream that you are caught in a tidal wave represents an overwhelming emotional issue that demands your attention. You may have been keeping your feelings and negative emotions bottled up inside for too long. You may be holding back tears that you are afraid to express in your waking life. On a positive note, the tidal wave symbolizes the clearing away of old habits. If you are carried away by the tidal wave, then it means that you are ready to make a brand new start in a new place.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting...Water is a great thing. Drawing you out is a Moses symbolism. Like being drawn out from death to life. A man's face calling you?? God's calling you out of the life you thought and saving you for a higher purpose. You WILL Live when you breathe out earthly belongings. Some will stay in those old ways and drown in them. However you moved to your calling and answered in your own self and your own choice. A new choice to move your life with an new set of ears eye's and spirit. You set your heart thoughts and spiritual awareness on things above that the moth cannot eat away. The Deep Voice?? Maybe represents your struggles bringing life to a deeper level of understanding the real meaning of life and your higher calling? YOU ANSWERED! YOU MOVED! YOU SHALL LIVE A LONG FULFILLING LIFE! WITH THIS NEWNESS IN ALL YOU DO AND ALWAYS IN THE BACK OF YOUR MIND CENTERED ALWAYS IN YOUR HEART..
