Sunday, July 7, 2013

No Disclosure

Funny story: So, I go out on this second date last night [I know, I'm trying to get back out there] and we're at this fancy seafood restaurant in SM. This guy is extremely well-traveled, so we're engaged in a cultural comparison conversation [he hasn't a CLUE that i have cancer]. 

He's talking about American maximalism versus British minimalism. For example, how Americans think, "I can fit one more couch in my house" versus the Brits who think more like, "what furniture could I do without in here" which point I interlude [and agree] about my experiencing scandanavians bragging that their summer homes don't have plumming or don't have electricity. And then he says, "I mean their attitudes in general are minimalist" and proceeds to tell me a story about calling up a Brit he knows and asking how they're doing and their response being, "Good, good. Got a bit of the cancer, but good all in all" [or something similar]. He continues on passionately to say that an AMERICAN would have trouble speaking of anything else in their life once they had cancer. "An American would talk your ears off for hours about their cancer", he proclaimed. I laughed audibly and said, "Is that so!?!"


It was hard not to tell him right then, but I felt like it would've been a bit heavy to do so in a restaurant like that. Guess I am a bit British....too funny.

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